
Une entreprise indépendante, des conseils et une exécution de qualité

Our unique ethos

Notre Philosophie

Nous avons à cœur d’établir des relations solides et durables avec nos clients, basées sur la confiance et le respect mutuel. Nous fournissons un service véritablement personnel et sur mesure ainsi que des solutions stratégiques et tactiques adaptées à chaque situation.

Chacun de nos projets est mené par l’un de nos banquiers seniors avec l’expérience appropriée et la connaissance sectorielle idoine. Ils sont intrinsèquement impliqués durant l’intégralité du processus – un fait qui nous sépare de nos pairs. Dans nos échanges nous sommes directs, clairs et collaboratifs.

Why we are different

Deep industry knowledge


We have a specialist focus on the financial services sector with significant experience and knowledge of all key sub-sectors.

A significant part of our work is advising senior management and shareholders of privately owned financial services businesses with whom we have long-standing multi-year relationships.

Global perspective and cross-border reach

Part of the Wells Fargo International Partnership.

Track record of sales to international purchaser.


Senior commitment and quality of team

Our team have many years of combined investment banking experience and all our professionals have significant experience with the leading global investment banks.

Unique senior advisor model with each project led by two partners who are fully “hands-on” in their approach.


Independent and objective advice

Providing corporate finance advice is our only business. We have no conflicts and pride ourselves on giving objective and thoughtful advice tailored to the specific needs of our clients.